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发布日期:2022-11-09 浏览次数:9596


Recently, LXML, a holding subsidiary of the Company, submitted an application for rare earth exploitation right in 2.96km² of Sepon Mining Area of LXML to the Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines. The application has undergone the boundary verification of mining rights by the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.


赤峰黄金子公司CHIJIN Laos向老挝计划投资部申请在川邝省孟坎县50km²区域范围的稀土探矿权,老挝计划投资部已正式受理申请,现申请文件已传发至相关部门及川邝省政府。此外,老挝能源与矿产部批准了CHIJIN Laos申请的华潘省两处踏勘(调查)许可,其中一处位于华潘省西南部合慕区(MeangHiem),面积198km²;另一处位于华潘省南部华瓦默昂区(Huameang),面积138km²,同意CHIJIN Laos和老挝矿业发展公司(LMD)在合慕区和华瓦默昂区合计约336km²区域内开展有关矿物初步实地数据收集。

CHIJIN Laos, a subsidiary of Chifeng Gold, applied to the Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment for rare earth exploration right in the 50km² of area in Kham County, Xieng Khuang Province. The Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment has formally accepted the application, and the application documents have been sent to relevant departments and the Government of Xieng Khuang Province. In addition, the Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines approved two reconnaissance (investigation) area permits in Huaphane Province applied by CHIJIN Laos. One is located in MeangHiem District in the southwest of Huaphane Province, covering an area of 198km²; the other is located in Huameang District in the south of Huaphane Province, covering an area of 138km². It is agreed that CHIJIN Laos and Lao Mining Development State Enterprise (LMD) will carry out preliminary field data collection on minerals of a total area of about 336km² in MeangHiem District and Huameang District.


The Company will continue to promote the application for rare earth exploitation right in Sepon Mining Area of LXML, the application for rare earth exploration right in Kham County, Xieng Khuang Province, the resource investigation of two permitted reconnaissance areas in Huaphane Province and other rare earth development work in Laos, expand the layout of rare earth resources and accelerate the development and utilization of rare earth resources.
